Complaints Procedure
We strive to deliver excellent customer service but understand that sometimes things can go wrong, and we, therefore, value your feedback to enhance our service. You can get in touch using our dedicated email address complaints@griptechnologies.
GRIP Technologies Ltd, 113 Westmead Road, Sutton SM1 4JE
Alternatively, please call on 0208 77 000 51.
We have a robust complaints procedure, ensuring we acknowledge your complaint within 48 hours, investigate it thoroughly and provide a written response and resolution with five working days.
Escalation Procedure
Should the complaint not be resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction, our escalation procedure means that we will self-refer ourselves to a higher authority (the medical expert) or you have the right to escalate it directly to the medical expert. You can contact us by clicking on the contact us page on the top right corner to obtain the contact details of the medical expert or this can be obtained by visiting Our Expert page.

Get in touch and let us know how we can help
A medico-legal report writing software which has shown significant growth since its introduction in 2007